oc Spray/pepper spray- Course fee: $25
2-hour course: CA B.S.I.S. Chemical Agents Permit
OC spray is an invaluable non-lethal option that is paramount to Officer Safety. Having the knowledge and skill to use OC Spray can deter an attacker from a distance and gives Officers the advantage in difficult situations. However, knowing when not to use OC Spray and how to properly treat a person who has been sprayed is equally important. Most schools only provide you with limited materials and watch instructional videos. We use “mock spray” and put our students through hands-on, practical training including a variety realistic scenarios. You will gain real experience from our class and learn how to lawfully use OC Spray in a Security Officer capacity.
Officers who pass testing criteria will be issued a Certificate of Completion in the form of a wallet card to prove certification of knowledge of oc spray techniques and devices.